The Program and survey was released in February 2019 to over 340 property owners and residents associated with the 9 shortlisted streets as well as large information sign boards installed into each street. The Council received over 60 completed responses, generally supportive of the program, the desire to improve pedestrian safety, access and support for increased greenery.
Council staff re-applied a multi-criteria analysis, incorporating the additional feedback received from the community, with a more detailed technical assessment of the suitability of each street, including willingness to lose on-street parking for improvements, strategic networks benefits, feasibility to deliver change within the allocated budget and the current condition of the street.
Three streets were selected for further investigation. The property owners and residents of each street were invited to attend a ‘Co-Design’ workshop to foster ownership and understand opportunities to enhance their local streets. They discussed local challenges in keeping with the principles established for the Living Streets Program.
To support the Co-Design process, Council design staff prepared large-scale coloured plans of each existing street, with an overlay of design parameters, including the location of existing infrastructure; existing trees; on-street parking; driveway turning movements; and rubbish collection movement.
In addition, a ‘Kit of Parts’ was compiled outlining a range of interventions that could be considered in local streets, appropriate to the limited capital / resources. These included traffic control devices, tree planting, greening, public art, surfaces and kerbing. Each item had a monetary value and the group was responsible for developing a preferred design to suit the limited construction budget.
Each item within the ‘kit’ was represented by different wooden blocks, which gave community the confidence to ‘play’ with the design, moving pieces about over the scale roll prints to test new design options, as well as managing the technical and budget constraints. At the conclusion, a spokesperson from each street was then invited to summarise their design with the wider group.