Unley Life magazine celebrates Spring
Published on 23 September 2020
For many years, Unley Life magazine has brought you local stories and informative insights from across our City in every season throughout the year. The great news is that's not going to change. What is changing is the way you’ll receive and read the magazine – we’re shifting online and offering you the opportunity to have Unley Life delivered to your email for easy access.
We will still be printing a limited number of Unley Life magazines, so if you prefer to read it in its glossy format, you’ll be able to find a copy in our civic centre, libraries and community centres. We’re also delivering the printed version to aged care centres and retirement homes across Unley, so we look after our older readers.
Online readers will benefit from having instant access to the magazine, either by opting to have it delivered to their email address, or by going online, where you will always be able to find Unley Life on the website, along with past issues.
We're offering you the opportunity to have this issue and all future editions of Unley Life sent directly to your email inbox - just fill in the subscription form telling us where you would like us to email it to, and you won't ever have to check the letterbox again! The digital version of Unley Life offers online readers so much more. When reading the articles, hover over any underlined text and you will find live links to program and service information, documents and even videos - and the online version has more winter recipes than the print issue.
In the Spring issue, we're offering the opportunity for local businesses to place small, affordable advertisements in a new classifieds page for the Summer (December) issue - it's a good way to communicate with online readers about your business.
We urge you to subscribe today. It only takes a minute and you can subscribe to as many email addresses as you wish.
In this issue of Unley Life, we have some great stories, including:
- changes to events and services for our community
- plans to redevelop council-owned cottages for creation of an expanded business hub
- a local sporting club leading the way in banning single-use plastics and 'going green'
- programs that connect young people with older generations, for everyone's benefit
- a summary of our annual business plan and budget
- updates on our programs involving local artists
- a new campaign to encourage our community to 'keep it local' when supporting business
Don't forget you can contact us if you have a story you want to share for next season's edition - simply email editor@unley.sa.gov.au. We look forward to you joining us online. Enjoy - and do let us know what you think!