Unley on the rise
Published on 16 December 2020
A gamechanger $150 million development on Unley Road will transform the centre of Unley into one of Adelaide’s premiere retail, entertainment and residential destinations.
It will be South Australia’s first integrated mixed-use development on a single site… a ‘vertical precinct’.
To be known as Unley Central, the nine-storey development will activate the town centre of Unley on what is now a Target store and the adjoining BarZaar bistro, function centre and car park.
It will feature significant national and international brand retailers, a wellness centre, medical services, cinemas, offices, a supermarket and a discount store in an integrated multi-level layout. Rising above will be two towers of premium quality apartments that provide a range of diverse price and varied apartment product and choice, with up to or around 50 in one and 80 in the other.
Unley Central is a strategic initiative of the City of Unley, which owns the adjacent BarZaar site and car park. It will be owned and operated by Optage Pty Ltd, which owns the Target store site, and will be jointly developed, designed and built by developer Catcorp Pty Ltd.
Council will sell the BarZaar site at 166 Unley Road and the carpark at 168 Unley Road to leverage its
long-held aim to invigorate the centre of Unley.
Mayor Michael Hewitson said the Unley Central development would deliver on Unley’s vision for progress that cares for the past as it builds for the future.
The Unley Central development will breathe life into the centre of Unley with an influx of younger people and will give older people the opportunity to downsize in the neighbourhood they know and love.
“Unley Central supports our goal to develop the Unley town centre to make it the city fringe retail and entertainment destination that it should be. All the while, we will do it in a way that respects the character and heritage of wider Unley.”
The development will comply with the Unley Development Plan Amendment (DPA), which was finalised following extensive community consultation in 2017 and sets out requirements for green space, up to about 500 car parks, heights and positions.
Mayor Hewitson said that “The development also increases tree canopy cover on private property. I am grateful for the owners support for Council’s vision of a cool green sunlit City. This development shows what can be done.”
Optage owner Patrick Ho said “Unley Central will be a magnet for young and old to make the most of life in Unley. It is a landmark development that literally will take Unley to new levels.”
Catcorp Director Anthony Catinari said the Unley Central development would create about 1050 full-time jobs and another 1000 indirect jobs for local retailers and suppliers in the construction phase. It is expected to create ongoing fulltime employment of more than 300 people, not including the cinema and apartments.
“We are helping to design the Unley town centre for people… what people want when they look for somewhere to live, work, shop and feel good,” said Mr Catinari.
“As a proud Unley local, I want to help create something of value in my community. Unley Central will enable Unley residents to move within Unley and enjoy a town centre that reflects what they want.”
“We want to help renew the heart of Unley both for new businesses and the prosperity of existing businesses.”
Subject to approvals, construction will begin within 18 months and be completed in about two years.
Media contact details:
Rob Ball 0407 422 920 rball@ballpr.com.au

Unley Central concept view from Arthur Street ^

Unley Central concept view from Unley Road ^