Unley recognised as a 'Tree City of the World'

Published on 12 February 2020


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the Arbor Day Foundation, has recognized the City of Unley with Tree Cities of the World designation. The international program celebrates cities that meet core standards for the care and planning of urban trees and forests.
“The Tree Cities of the World program recognizes the efforts cities take toward greener, healthier communities,” said Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director General, Forestry Department, FAO.  “The most successful urban landscapes are those that have factored trees into the plan. We applaud Unley’s work to plant and care for its urban trees.”
Trees provide multiple benefits to a city when properly planted and maintained. They help to improve the visual appeal of a neighbourhood, increase property values, reduce home cooling costs, remove air pollutants and provide wildlife habitat, among many other benefits.
 “Unley joins cities around the world that have taken steps toward robust and healthy city forests,” said Dan Lambe, President, Arbor Day Foundation. “Trees clean our air and water, provide shade and beautify the places we live and work. This designation signifies the City of Unley’s commitment to being a healthier, happier city.”
Unley Mayor Michael Hewitson said he was pleased to be in the trio of neighbouring South Australian cities, along with Burnside and Mitcham, to be recognised for trees and what they offer communities.
“I’m thrilled that our Councils, which are geographically close and have such a working synergy and understanding between us on this issue, have been identified as the first places in our nation to lay claim to the title of Tree Cities,” Mayor Hewitson said.
“Everyone who knows me knows I am passionate about wanting to see tree cover in Unley restored to former levels and to reverse the loss of trees on private property.”
The Tree Cities of the World program is built off the success of the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA program, which has provided recognition to cities in the United States for more than 40 years.
To achieve recognition, the City of Unley met the five core standards: establish responsibility, set the rules, know what you have, allocate the resources and celebrate achievements. 
The vision of the Tree Cities of the World program is to connect cities in a global network dedicated to sharing and adopting the most successful approaches to managing city trees and forests.
More information is available from the Tree Cities of the World website.

About the Arbor Day Foundation

Founded in 1972, the Arbor Day Foundation has grown to become the largest non-profit membership organisation dedicated to planting trees, with more than one million members, supporters and valued partners. Since 1972, more than 350 million Arbor Day Foundation trees have been planted in neighbourhoods, communities, cities and forests throughout the world.

Our vision is to help others understand and use trees as a solution to many of the global issues we face today, including air quality, water quality, climate change, deforestation, poverty and hunger.

As one of the world's largest operating conservation foundations, the Arbor Day Foundation, through its members, partners and programs, educates and engages stakeholders and communities across the globe to involve themselves in its mission of planting, nurturing and celebrating trees.

Find out more from the Abor Day website.


About the FAO

Established in 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) is a Specialised Agency of the United Nations system that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. The Organisation is comprised of 194 Member States, 2 associate members and 1 member organisation – The European Union. Its aim is to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living for all people in FAO member countries, to secure improvements in the efficiency of production and distribution of food and agricultural products, to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources and to contribute towards expanding the world economy and ensure humanity’s freedom from hunger. FAO is currently present in over 130 countries. 

Find out more from the FAO website.




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