More open space with Parkside land purchase

Published on 01 October 2024


Unley Councillors Jennifer Bonham and Luke Doyle from Parkside Ward advocated for the purchase of the vacant parcel of land at 2 Marion Street Parkside which abuts the neighbouring Henry Codd Reserve.

The land was purchased with assistance from the State Government’s Department for Housing and Urban Development.

Minister for Planning Nick Champion said he was pleased to be able to offer the City of Unley $1 million in financial assistance to buy the 871m2 block, which will significantly increase recreational open space in this part of Parkside.

‘Unley has the smallest ratio of Council-owned land in comparison with all councils across the state, with just three per cent of open space across the entire Council area’ the Minister said.

‘As our inner-city suburbs see an increasing number of higher-density developments with more residents, it’s extremely important for local communities to have green open spaces where people can exercise, play, walk their dogs or just have somewhere to relax.’

Unley Mayor Michael Hewitson said he was delighted with the support offered by Minister Champion’s office, which contributed to the $2.7m land purchase.

‘This is a choice piece of real estate in a highly desirable suburb, and it would have been a challenge for our Council to meet the current market price within our annual budget’ the Mayor said.

‘But with this financial input from the State Government, we have been able to act on this rare opportunity. It’s not very often a piece of vacant land comes up that sits right next to a park to enable its expansion.’

Local resident Steve Nicholas’ father built a home on the property in Marion Street, where he lived for many years. He said his father would be happy about the purchase, having previously lobbied for the acquisition of properties at the ends of nearby Maud and Fuller Streets for use as public park land.

‘We all know how expensive real estate is right now. To have this opportunity to secure valuable land that will never be built on, and which will offer a tranquil, green space for our city and for its future generations is quite remarkable – we are thrilled, and we trust our community will be too’ Mayor Hewitson concluded.


The photo shows Cr Jennifer Bonham with Minister for Planning Nick Champion and Mayor Michael Hewitson at the entrance to the Henry Codd Reserve in Parkside. Cr Luke Doyle was unavailable for the photograph.