
aqua class under water.png

What is Aquarobics?

Aquarobics is a great low impact way to boost your fitness and strength while improving your endurance and flexibility.

Aquarobics offers water-based exercises with less impact on muscles and joints. The natural buoyancy of the water allows participants to work at their own pace and fitness level and can aid in the recovery and rehabilitation after an injury.



All Aquarobics sessions require pre-bookings online prior to arrive at the centre.

Bookings are now available from the Active World mobile application.

To sign up as a participant and begin making bookings from your phone, please see the Group Fitness Booking User Guide.(PDF, 2MB)



We offer 3 types of sessions: Cardio, Toning and Interval. The aim is to provide options for all patrons regardless of training ability, fitness, or need.


Purpose of the sessions

Enjoy water-based exercise at a slow and steady pace.

What the sessions involve

Exercise at low levels of intensity, for longer periods. Cardio classes help you learn new exercises and work within your own limits.

Benefits of the sessions

Cardio sessions gently increase your pulse and breathing rate, so it's great for helping improve your heart health while burning calories.



Purpose of the sessions

Enjoy water-based exercise with high intensity, followed by active rest and recovery.

What the sessions involve

Exercise at varying levels of intensity, for shorter durations. Interval classes are a great way to feel energised and challenge yourself in a group setting.

Benefits of the sessions

Water provides 12 to 14 percent more resistance than air, so you will be conditioning both muscular and cardiovascular fitness at the same time.



Purpose of the sessions

Enjoy resistance training in the safety of water while targeting specific muscle groups.

What the sessions involve

Bring the gym into the pool with dumbbells and noodles to provide resistance training.

Benefits of the sessions

Tone muscles and feel stronger using resistance-based exercise with high repetition.



Program commences Saturday 14 September 2024 and concludes Saturday 24 May 2025. (During May only Saturday 11.15am).






   Deep Water - Toning


   Deep Water - Interval



   Shallow Water - Cardio



   Deep Water - Toning


   Shallow Water - Interval



   Deep Water - Cardio









Extra Session

Saturday at 6:15am, Deep Water - Cardio will be held for the next 4 weeks from 15th February to the 8th March


Prices include pool entry. 10 Passes are now valid for 12 months from date of purchase.



Casual Adult


Casual Concession


10 Visit Adult Pass


10 Visit Concession Pass


12 Month Membership Pass Holders Casual Class 


10 Visit 12 Month Membership Pass Holders









Important information

  • Please discuss any health conditions with your instructor.
  • Classes have a maximum of 22 participants.
  • Any change to lessons will be advertised on this website, Facebook and at the Centre.
  • Classes are subject to major centre bookings and are demand driven.
  • No classes on public holidays.
  • Terms and conditions(PDF, 355KB) for the sessions.