Juvenilia Exhibition

June 2024

The Juvenilia Exhibition brings together the juvenile works from some of Australia's most loved and established children's authors and illustrators including Graeme Base, Andy Griffiths, Mandy Foot and Alison Lester.

Everyone starts somewhere. Whether it is hand writing stories on scrap paper or drawing pictures in pencil and then rubbing them out, today's most prominent creators of children's books all started as children too, dreaming about being able to publish their own story.

Curated by author Aimee Chan, this unique and intimate collection highlights their early attempts at storytelling sure to inspire budding creatives.

Unley Libraries is thrilled to be the exclusive host of this exhibition in South Australia.

The exhibition will be available at Unley Civic Library during opening hours from Tuesday 18 June to Thursday 11 July 2024.

Have you seen the exhibition? Attended one of our Juvenilia events? What did you think?

Juvenilia Feedback Competition for ages 5 - 18. Ask a question or write a message to a creative involved in Juvenilia and you could win one of six $15 Dymocks vouchers.Juvenilia feedback competition

Juvenilia events

Author/Illustrator interviews

Leading up to the exhibition we have had the great opportunity to interview a few authors/illustrators.

Aimee Chan

Listen to an interview with Aimee Chan on ABC Adelaide with Nikolai Beilharz. Aimee talks about the Juvenilia Exhibition at Unley Civic Library and her own early creative efforts. Nikolai reads one of her first stories, Fairyland.

Andrea Rowe

Children's author, CBCA winner and May Gibbs Fellow, Andrea Rowe, visited Unley Libraries in the lead up to our Juvenilia Exhibition and talked about how she became an author. She was kind enough to bring in some of her juvenilia and share a story about a meeting and a moment that helped her become the amazing author she is.

Emma Bowd

Emma Bowd, author of Wonderful Shoes and This is My Happy Place dropped into Unley Libraries in the lead up to our Juvenilia Exhibition and had a great chat to Karyn about her early adventures in storytelling and how she became a children's author.


Dymocks Hyde Park

Caitlin from our Youth and Children's team visited Dymocks Hyde Park to find out some of the booksellers' favourite books from our Juvenilia Exhibition.

Authors & Illustrators Showcase

To celebrate the South Australian Launch of the national Juvenilia Exhibition, Unley Libraries is hosting a Creatives Showcase. Join us to meet and greet some of SA's best children's authors and illustrators including Janeen Brian, Katrina Germein, Danny Snell and more! Ask about their creations from childhood, what it's like to be a published author/illustrator, the creative/publishing processes, and see what they're working on now.

This is the perfect event for budding writers and artists, those looking to become published and families who value rich children's literature. This exhibition and showcase gives children and visitors a chance to explore material written and illustrated by some of their favourite creatives and learn the art of perseverance, self-belief, and connection to story.

Keep an eye on this page as we will be adding all kinds of goodies related to these authors in the lead up to the exhibition.

Authors attending the Showcase

   Twin Spin by Adam Cece

Adam Cece


Adam Cece's website

Find Adam Cece's books on our catalogue

   Aggie Flea steals the show by Tania Ingram  

Tania Ingram


Tania Ingram's website

Find Tania Ingram's books on our catalogue

   Fancy pants by Kelly Hibbert and Amanda Graham  

Kelly Hibbert


Kelly Hibbert's website

Find Kelly Hibbert's books on our catalogue

   the mad cappers tea party by Marnie Stocks and Sally Heinrich  

Sally Heinrich


Sally Heinrich's website

Find Sally Heinrich's books on our catalogue

   Honour among ghosts by Sean Williams  

Sean Williams


Sean William's website

Find Sean Williams' books on our catalogue

   The Rebels of Mount Buffalo by Helen Edwards  

Helen Edwards


Helen Edward's website

Find Helen Edward's books on our catalogue

   Banjo Frog's concert spectacular by Kristin Martin and Bianca Richardson  

Kristin Martin


Kristin Martin's website

Find Kristin Martin's books on our catalogue

   King of the Outback by Kristin Weidenbach  

Kristin Weidenbach


Kristin Weidenbach's website

Find Kristin Weidenbach's books on our catalogue

   Troop Train by Elizabeth Hutchins    

Elizabeth Hutchins


Find Elizabeth Hutchins' books on our catalogue

   Little book baby by Katrina Germein and Cheryl Orsini    

Katrina Germein


Katrina Germein's website

Find Katrina Germein's books on our catalogue

   Let the singing begin by Mike and Linda Dumbleton and Mandy Foot    

Mandy Foot


Mandy Foot's website

Find Mandy Foot's books on our catalogue

   You've got yoghurt in your nostrils by Bethany Clark and Sara Acton    

Bethany Clark


Bethany Clark's website

Find Bethany Clark's books on our catalogue

   Something about Alaska by J A Cooper    

James A. Cooper


Find James A Cooper's books on our catalogue

   That thing I did by Allayne Webster    

Allayne Webster


Allayne Webster's website

Find Allayne Webster's books on our catalogue

   Star of Anise by Jane Jolly and Di Wu      

Jane Jolly


Jane Jolly's website

Find Jane Jolly's books on our catalogue

   Little Treasure by Chanelle Gosper and Jennifer Goldsmith      

Chanelle Gosper


Find Chanelle Gosper's books on our catalogue

   The turtle and the flood by Jackie French and Danny Snell      

Danny Snell


Danny Snell's website

Find Danny Snell's books on our catalogue

   10 cheeky possums by Ed Allen and Claire Richards      

Claire Richards


Claire Richard's website

Find Claire Richards' books on our catalogue

   Pepper Masalah and the flying carpet by Rosanne Hawke      

Rosanne Hawke


Rosanne Hawke's website

Find Rosanne Hawke's books on our catalogue

   Koala by Danielle Clode      

Danielle Clode


Danielle Clode's website

Find Danielle Clode's books on our catalogue

   I am this big by Janeen Brian and Jess Racklyeft      

Janeen Brian


Janeen Brian's website

Find Janeen Brian's books on our catalogue

   My Feet by Aimee Chan      

Aimee Chan


Aimee Chan website

Find Aimee Chan's books on our catalogue

   Raised by moths by Charlie Archbold and Michelle conn      

Charlie Archbold


Charlie Archbold website

Find Charlie Archbold's books on our catalogue

   Dance in a ring by Mike and Linda Dumbleton and Jedda Robaard      

Mike Dumbleton


Mike Dumbleton's website

Find Mike Dumbleton's books on our catalogue

   Wacko by Ali Durham      

Ali Durham


Find Ali Durham's books on our catalogue

   Where is cheeky monster? by Mike Lucas and Heidi McKinnon      

Mike Lucas


Mike Lucas' website

Find Mike Lucas' books on our catalogue

   Kick with my left foot by Paul Seden and Karen Briggs      

Karen Briggs


Find Karen Briggs' books on our catalogue

   Duli Sen      

Duli Sen


   The frog bridge by Ian Boyd      

Ian Boyd


Ian Boyd's website

Find Ian Boyd's books on our catalogue




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