Mental health week

Mental health week 2020

Every person, every community

10 - 17 October 2020

We are hosting a series of webinars to help promote mental health in our community. Available here online for Mental Health Week, we will also be screening the webinars for community members who may not have internet access. 


Mindfulness with YogaOlder woman doing yoga

 A 15-minutes mindful breathing and body awareness session to do seated or lying down. Presented by Maya. 




How to support the resilience and wellbeing of our teenagers/children (for parents)Two teenage girls

Strategies for children/teenagers to build their resilience and wellbeing

Two webinars presented by Madhavi Nawana Parker the founder of Positive Minds Australia, a globally published author of resilience, confidence and social emotional literacy books, public speaker and counsellor. These tools will be based on one of Madhavi's books, 'The Resilience and Wellbeing Toolbox: Creating character and competence through life's ups and downs.' 

For parents


For children/teenagers

Gentle exercise and relaxation for good mental healthOlder people doing gentle exercise

Maria Voulgarakis, an accredited Strength for Life Instructor, will present four short 10 - 15-minute videos of gentle exercise and relaxation techniques. 

Video One: Aerobic Exercise

Video Two: Seated Exercises

Video Three: Standing Exercises


Video Four: Stretching

Mental health impacts of COVID-19 and coping with the related stress and anxietyMasked woman looking anxious with her hands at the side of her head.

Dr Cate Howell focuses on sharing life’s learnings and acquired wisdom (acquired through years of education, working with people and especially life itself, with its ups and downs!). Her aim is to guide individuals towards hope and healing, as well as purpose, meaning and happiness. This is particularly relevant in current times with COVID-19. Dr Cate is a medical practitioner, therapist, educator, speaker and author! 






There will be screenings held at both Clarence Park and Unley Community Centres.

Free, bookings essential, phone Unley Community Centre on 8372 5128 or Clarence Park Community Centre on 8293 8166.