Living green @ CPCC
Together we share our environment and resources.
Biodiversity garden
Our biodiversity garden is in the grounds around our 'House Next Door'. Discover the local native species of the Black Forest area and how they can create a charming garden in suburbia.
Visitors are welcome at the garden during daylight hours and can follow our walking trail.
For more information, phone 8293 8166.
Grow Free share table
Come to our produce share table, with gifts from the earth, grown by the community for the community. They are for giving and taking. Organic fruit, vegetables, herbs and seedlings.
Surplus home-grown produce is always welcome.
Drop in and see what is on the table.
Clarence Park Food Co-op
Volunteer run food co-operative. The Co-op sells nuts, dried fruit, grains, legumes, seeds, honey and more, all at low cost.
Monday to Wednesday and Saturdays, 10.30am - 12.30pm
During the school holidays, the co-op only opens on Saturdays.
Cost: $1 for life membership.
For more information, contact Ashley 8297 6249.
Recycling at Clarence Park
You can recycle your batteries, bread tag and small e-waste (phones, computers, kettles etc) at the Centre. Collection bins are located in the office. Available during office hours.
Book Nook
We have a book nook at Clarence Park Community Centre.
Living green events
Keep an eye here for upcoming events.