Health and Wellness Seminar: What is ADHD?

Next date: Tuesday, 29 April 2025 | 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Health and wellness workshop ADHD seminar
Health and Wellness Seminar - What is ADHD?
Why does it feel like everyone has it? What can you do if someone has it? What if you have it? These days it feels like every second person is being diagnosed with ADHD, but is it just about getting distracted? Don’t we all get distracted? Why do people feel like they need a label? Why do ADHD children get into so much trouble? What do I do if a teacher has advised me to get my child assessed but I don’t agree?
Come to hear Michelle Lewis, founder of ‘’ talk about ADHD from her perspective as an educator of over 30 years with ADHD lived experience.

Tuesday 29 April 2025, 7 - 8pm

Goodwood Community Centre, 32-34 Rosa St, Goodwood

Cost: Free, bookings essential - phone 8372 5143 or email

New free monthly Health and Wellness seminars at Goodwood Community Centre to bring awareness and education for wellbeing


  • Tuesday, 29 April 2025 | 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM


Goodwood Community Centre, 32-34 Rosa Street, Goodwood, 5034, View Map

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