Next date: Thursday, 17 April 2025 | 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Main project will be the construction of a tool/garden/utility box. Then use a scroll saw to make shapes for decorating into fridge magnets. Wear old clothes and protective shoes. Dust masks will be available. Bookings essential.
For ages 8-11 years.
Thursday 17 April 2025, 9.30am - 11.30am
Clarence Park Community Centre, 72-74 East Avenue, Black Forest
Cost: $10 per child
Bookings essential and must be paid on booking.
Phone 8293 8166
This event is part of the City of Unley school holiday program. Visit our school holiday program page for a list of all our events. School holiday events at Clarence Park Community Centre require payment at the time of booking. A registration form must be filled out for each child at the centre on the day.
Clarence Park Community Centre, 72-74 East Avenue, Clarence Park, 5035, View Map
72-74 East Avenue , Clarence Park 5035
$10 per child