Pocket Parks Program


What is a Pocket Park? 

The City of Unley is committed to making our local street network safer, greener and more accessible across the City. The Pocket Parks build on traffic strategies of the past, which closed a number of side streets across the city. These underutilised road closures create an opportunity to enhance the green character of Unley’s streetspaces, provide safer connections and a place to pause and connect.

We have established the ‘Pocket Parks Program’ to work with local residents and businesses to create safer, greener pocket parks. There are key to defining a safe, connected and pleasant street network that can enhance accessibility and lifestyle within the City of Unley.

Pocket Parks should add to quality of life for residents and better reflect the Councils commitment to be a leading age friendly city and support the local businesses along Duthy Street. 

New ways to create a pocket park could include;

  • Places to stop and rest that are age friendly 
  • Things to see, do and experience on the journey 
  • Rain water collection initiatives for local catchment 
  • Making points that are safer, easier to cross and connect 
  • More trees and greenery to create cooler neighbourhoods 
  • More colour and interest into the local streets
  • New street features ( seating, artwork, or bike racks) 

Pocket Parks 01

Clifton Street Pocket Park


Pocket Parks 02

Clifton Street Community Garden Planting Day


Pocket Parks 03

Clifton Street Planting Day


Pocket Parks 04

Clifton Street Planting Day


Pocket Parks 05

Clifton Street Pocket Park


Pocket Parks 06

Clifton Street Pocket Park


How can the Pocket Parks provide a solution?

The program provides an opportunity to rethink how we value our existing road closures and how we can make them safer, more attractive and able to be shared by all. 

Design changes focus on design for people, increasing greenery and creating a more connected and pleasant place for people. The Pocket Park Program aims to work with interested residents and businesses to create local changes that will help build a greater sense of community and return our local streets to places we meet, walk, ride and even play.  

Pocket Park Vision and Principles

‘Pocket Parks’ support a safer, connected and pleasant street network that can enhance the lifestyle within the city of Unley. 

There are 4 key principles for a Pocket Park: 
  • Improve legibility of intersection
  • Strengthen green character 
  • Connecting residents, local businesses and place to pause
  • Support local storm water collection

Pocket Park Principles