Open Space


In order to improve the quality and amenity of the open spaces and reserves for the community, Council undertakes an annual open spaces and reserves renewal and upgrade program.

Did you know that Unley has one of the lowest areas of open space in the State compared to our population and area? High quality green open spaces to recreate and play in are proven to improve the well being and health of our community and so they are especially important given we don't have much to start with.

The list of our open spaces and reserves can be found at our Parks and Playgrounds page.

What will the works involve?

Open spaces fulfill a number of objectives, from somewhere to walk or sit, somewhere to exercise for you or your pet, or somewhere for the children to play. This is in addition to the other benefits they provide such as urban cooling while also providing a habitat for fauna and flora biodiversity.

Because of these multiple uses works can include the replacement of bench seats and tables, irrigation to planting beds, walking paths, shade shelters, tree planting, BBQs, or complete playground replacements.

In most cases the works will involve partial or full closure of the reserve while the contractors undertake the works. Typically we aim to do this during non-peak periods (avoiding school holidays or times such as Christmas and Easter) to minimise the impact however sometimes this is unavoidable. Where irrigation is being replaced we aim to do this in spring so the turf can quickly grow back, while tree planting will happen in autumn.


Katherine Street Playground

Why do we upgrade our open spaces?

Council undertake regular condition audits of our open space assets including comprehensive inspections of our playgrounds to identify maintenance requirements but also when we need to replace something.

Where smaller individual assets require replacement such as seats or fences we will usually get them done as stand alone projects, however where multiple items or larger scale assets need replacement we will typically undertake a masterplan process first to make sure what we replace fits the current needs of the community. Over time as demographics change and the needs of the community change, the need to look at the open space holistically is important to make sure what we replace is contemporary and will last well into the future.



How will you know if works are planned?

As open spaces can serve many people including the wider community we aim to install corflute signage at the reserve access points well in advance of the works starting.

Residents directly affected by the works will receive a Coming Soon notification card  of the works proposed approximately two months before the intended start date. Just prior to the works beginning residents will receive a second Starting Soon notification to let you know the work is about to commence and explain what the works involve as well as include important contact details and what to do on the day of the works.

How do we keep the community safe?

  While we try to minimise the impact to residents, unfortunately some inconvenience may occur such as:

  • The reserve may be closed or partially closed during the works,
  • Generally works are confined between 7am and 6pm Monday to Saturday,
  • Works may involve considerable noise, including horns and reversing beeping to keep workers and the community safe.

When construction works are occurring in the reserve please remember it is a work site and everyone's safety is important so please take care and listen to construction crews who are approachable and willing to help if you need. Alternatively, please call the contact person listed in the letter.

Construction feedback

If we've recently upgraded an open space near you let us know how we went so we can improve our services in future. Find out how to provide feedback here:

Construction Works Feedback
