Footpath improvement works


To improve the safety and amenity of the Unley’s walkways and footpaths, Council undertakes a yearly footpath renewal program to either replace the footpath entirely with new pavers, or pick up and relay the existing pavers on a new level base to remove trip hazards. The program is a carefully considered priority list, resulting from a condition audit of our entire footpath network and regular maintenance.

What will the works involve?

Where we reconstruct the footpath completely, the original footpath is removed, a new base laid and then a new surface of concrete block pavers, concrete or asphalt is laid. Sometimes this involves the construction of permeable paving, new pedestrian ramps (at crossing points), steps and/or retaining wall.

Where we retain the existing pavers but pick up and relay, the base layer is levelled and any undulations removed, and then the pavers and laid back to match the existing surface. Typically the footpath pavers are still in good condition so we aim to take this approach where possible to minimise the use of new materials.

We will aim to achieve a 1.5m wide footpath, however many of Unley’s streets have narrow verges with stobie poles and trees and sometimes this target cannot be achieved.



Why do we upgrade our footpaths?

Footpaths provide a connection for the community to recreate and commute and should be accessible to people of all ages and abilities. When footpaths are chosen for renewal it will typically be because the existing surface has a number of trip hazards that makes it unsafe, or because it does not meet minimum standards for width or grade. This includes the upgrade of pedestrian ramps (sometimes called pram ramps) at crossing points to identify safe locations to cross but also provide a smooth transition for people of all abilities.

If there is a footpath near you that needs attention and has a number of hazards please let us know using our 'Report it Online' tool that is quick and efficient:

Report a Footpath Hazard Online


How will you know if works are planned?

Residents directly affected by the works will receive a Coming Soon notification card for the proposed works, approximately two months before the intended start date.

Before the works begin, residents will receive a second Starting Soon notification to let you know the work is about to commence, explain what the works involve. The notification will include contact details and what to do on the day of the works.

How do we keep the community safe?

 While we try to minimise the impact to residents, unfortunately some inconvenience may occur, such as:

  • The footpath will likely be closed during works,
  • Access to driveways may be limited for short periods of time,
  • Generally works are confined between 7am and 6pm Monday to Saturday,

When construction works are occurring your street is a worksite and everyone's safety is important so please take care and listen to construction crews who are approachable and willing to help if you need. Alternatively, please call the contact person listed in the letter.

To minimise impacts we generally try to plan and work around holidays and highly trafficked areas. Our time lines may change due to unforeseen circumstances, this makes it difficult to notify affected residents earlier.

Footpath FAQs

I would like to widen my driveway or install a new stormwater outlet from my house to the road, how can I do these works at the same time as the construction?

There is an application form for residents to apply to change their driveway or stormwater on Council land. Further information can be found here Works on Public Land.

After footpath construction has occurred can I plant vegetation in the Council verge?

There is an application form for residents to apply to plant vegetation on Council’s verge. Further information can be found here Works on Public Land.

You may also wish to enrol for our green verge program.

Construction feedback

If you have recently had works completed in your street, we would love to hear from you, please complete an online survey: Construction Works Feedback