Code Amendments
The Planning and Design Code is subject to ongoing strategic reviews and amendments to ensure that planning trends and community issues are balanced, reflecting the desired future character for the area.
Changes to the Planning and Design Code are made by Planning and Design Code Amendments (PDCAs) which can be prepared by either the Council, State Planning Commission, Government Agency or a land owner. All PDCAs are subject to the Minister for Planning supporting a proposal to initiate and for final approval.
Code Amendments are notified and released for public consultation in accord with the Community Engagement Charter under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and a specific Engagement Plan relevant to the Amendment
Some Code Amendments may be given interim authorisation by the State Government to prevent negative speculative development, eg proposed Local Heritage Places. This means that the new policies become law on an interim basis, during which time the public and government agencies are consulted. There may be changes made during this time based on submissions received.
After the consultation period finishes, all submissions including those from the public and government agencies are reviewed and addressed in an Engagement Report, including any further necessary policy amendments as considered appropriate. The PDCA is then forwarded to the Minister for Planning for final authorisation.
A list of Code Amendments initiated, on consultation or being finalised is provided on the PlanSA web-site