The City of Unley Council Assessment Panel (formerly known as the Development Assessment Panel or DAP) is an autonomous planning authority and operates under the Terms of Reference(PDF, 231KB) assigned by the City of Unley Council Policy 1.1.05 established in accordance with the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act. The Council Assessment Panel (CAP) considers development applications and makes planning decisions. The current membership of the City of Unley Council Assessment Panel consists of the five members. The Council Assessment Panel is convened under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act. This means that:
The Council Assessment Panel Meeting procedures(PDF, 114KB) set out the procedures that apply for all meetings of the CAP. Members of the panel are also subject to a ministerial Code of Conduct(PDF, 359KB).
Please see the Council Assessment Panel Policy(PDF, 96KB) relating to an application for review of a decision of the Assessment Manager before lodging your application with Council. Please note that you can only lodge a review of a decision for applications dealt with under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.
Review of a Decision of the Assessment Manager application form. (DOCX, 43KB)
Members of the current Council Assessment Panel are:
*Will only act if an Independent Member is unable to attend the Panel meeting.
Use the archive page to view minutes and agendas from previous meetings.
View the archive