Rates payments

Annual Council rates notices are issued each year in July. Your rates can be paid annually or in quarterly installments.

Did you know you can receive and pay your rates online, anytime, anywhere by registering with our Electronic Rates system?


Electronic rates notices make it easier for you to manage your payments, saves paper and reduces waste.

To receive your rates notice/s via email, click below to create and set up your ezybill account.

Register for electronic rates

Payment options


Step 1.What you will need

Have your credit card ready.

You will also need your Rates assessment number, which is found on your rates notice.

Step 2.Pay with your Visa or Mastercard

You can pay online with your Visa or Mastercard. 

Click the button below and select 'Rates receipt' from the menu and enter the amount you wish to pay.

If you are paying your rates after the due date, the total payment amount will show your current, and previous installment. 

You are able to change this amount if you wish, and enter only the amount you wish to pay.

Step 3.Pay now

Pay online now

If you have any issues viewing the payment screen (when clicking on the 'Pay online now' button above) please call 8372 5111 for assistance.

Direct Debit

Step 1.Download the Direct Debit Request form 

Direct Debit request form(PDF, 96KB)

Step 2.Read the T&Cs

Read and make sure you understand the terms and conditions found on page 2 of the direct debit request form.

Direct debits will remain in place until you advise the City of Unley that you wish for them to cease.

 You can nominate monthly, quarterly or annual payments.

Step 3.Complete the form

You need to include:

  • Name and details of the bank you wish to have your payments taken from

  • Your rates assessment number

Step 4.Return the form to us

Please email your completed form to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au or print and post to the City of Unley, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061.


In Person

Step 1.What you will need

Present your rates notice to one of our Customer Service team members at the front counter.

We accept Cash, EFTPOS and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard).

Step 2.Visit us

We are open Monday to Friday,  8.30am to 5:00pm and closed on Public Holidays.

Our Location

Find us at 181 Unley Road, Unley.





Step 1.What you will need

Have your credit card ready. We accept payments by Visa and Mastercard.

You will also need your Rates assessment number, which is found on your rates notice.

Step 2.Call us

Call our Customer Service Centre on (08) 8372 5111.

We are available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.

Other payment options 



Telephone or Internet payment may be made through your participating financial institution. Contact your financial institution to register, quoting biller code 2238 and the customer reference number shown next to the BPay symbol on the payment slip.


As a registered BPAY View user, you can receive, pay and store your quarterly rates notice in your online banking. Sign up to BPAY View in three simple steps by logging in to your online or mobile banking.

Log into your online banking account

Look for the BPAY View or View Bills section

Register each bill you’d like to receive via BPAY View individually by entering the biller codes and your references

Your rates bill will be automatically sent to your online banking account. You will be notified when your bill arrives by email, text message or internet banking notification, depending on your preference and financial institution.

Australia Post

Payments made through Australia Post may take up to two working days to reach us. Please ensure your payment is made in time to reach council by the due date.


Online payment can be made through the Postbillpay website.

In Person

Payments may be made at any Post Office with Billpay facilities. The minimum amount payable at Australia Post is $50.


To make payments through the Postbillpay service, please phone 131 816. Follow the recorded directions, quoting Billpay code 0960 and the customer reference number shown next to the Postbillpay symbol on the payment slip of the rate notice.

By Mail

Cheques or Money Orders should be made payable to City of Unley.

They should be crossed 'Not Negotiable'.

The Rates notice payment slip and the Cheque or money order can be posted to:

City of Unley, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061.

If you require a receipt, please tell us.

Post-dated cheques will not be accepted and will be returned unless prior arrangements have been made.  


Can't pay on time?

If you are unable to pay your rates on time, don't wait until they are due, give us a call (08) 83725111 and we can provide you with your options.


What happens if I don't pay on time?

If we haven't received your payment by the due date,  2% of the amount due is applied as a late payment fee. Interest is then payable every month that your account remains in arrears.

Council also has the rights to proceed with recovery of any unpaid amounts, which may include:

Proceedings in any court competent jurisdiction

An order requiring an occupier of a property to pay to Council amounts of rent otherwise payable to the owner of the property

Other legal processes as deemed appropriate by Council Compulsory sale of property (the Local Government Act 1999 allows a Council to sell any property where rates have been in arrears for three years or more).