Rates information

Adoption of rates

In setting the rates for the financial year, Council considers the current economic climate, specific issues faced by the community, the impact of rates on the community and its Community Plan, which determines:

  • what services will be provided
  • what works will be undertaken
  • how community assets will be managed.

At the City of Unley we have a minimum rate, which ensures all ratepayers contribute towards the provision of basic services at a reasonable level.

Adoption Notice of Valuation 2024-25

NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the City Unley in accordance with section 167(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1999 at a meeting held on 24 June 2024 adopted for the year ending 30 June 2025 the Government assessment of capital value being $24,226,035,160 as detailed in the valuation roll prepared by the Valuer-General in relation to the areas of the Corporation of the City of Unley and hereby specifies 1 July 2024 as the day as and from which such valuation shall become and be the valuations of the Council.



Declaration of Rates 2024-25

NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting held on 24 June 2024 the Corporation of the City of Unley in accordance with section 156(1)(a) of the Local Government Act 1999 declared differential general rates, based upon the capital value of the land subject to the rate, for the year ending 30 June 2025 as follows:

(a) In respect to rateable land which is categorised by land use category 1 - Residential in Regulation 14 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 as a prescribed permissible differentiating factor, a differential general rate in the dollar of 0.001797

(b) In respect to rateable land which is categorised by land use category 2 - Commercial-Shop, category 5- Industry Light, category 6 - Industry Other, category 7 - Primary Production, category 8 - Vacant Land and category 9 - Other in Regulation 14 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 as prescribed permissible differentiating factors, a differential general rate in the dollar of 0.003866; and

(c) In respect to rateable land which is categorised by land use category 3 - Commercial-Office and category 4 - Commercial-Other in Regulation 14 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 as prescribed permissible differentiating factors, a differential general rate in the dollar of 0.004611.

Pursuant to Section 158 of the Local Government Act 1999 the council fixed a minimum amount that shall be payable by way of rates on all rateable land within the whole of the Municipality for the year ending 30 June 2025 at $993.00

Pursuant to Section 154 to the Local Government Act 1999 and in respect to all rateable land within the City of Unley, a separate rate of in the dollar of 0.00007345 was declared as the Regional Landscape Levy in accordance with the requirements of the Landscape South Australia Act 2019.

Pursuant to Section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, for the year ending 30 June 2025 the following differential Separate rates are declared on all rateable land based upon capital value of the land, subject to the rate as follows:

  • in that part of the Council's area with an Unley Road address, a differential separate rate in the dollar of 0.0003012 capped at $2,000 in respect of land uses:- Category 2 (Commercial Shop), Category 3 (Commercial Office) and Category 4 (Commercial Other).
  • in that part of the Council's area with a Goodwood Road address and situated between Mitchell Street/ Arundel Avenue to the south and Leader Street / Parsons Street to the North, a differential separate rate in the dollar of 0.0007927 capped at $2,000 in respect of land uses:- Category 2 (Commercial Shop ), Category 3 (Commercial Office ) and Category 4 (Commercial Other).
  • in that part of the Council’s area comprising rateable land with a King William Road address and situated between Greenhill Road and Commercial Road , a differential separate rate of 0.0014200 rate in the dollar capped at $2,000 in respect of land use: Category 2 (Commercial-Shop).
  • in that part of the Council's area along Fullarton Road between Cross Road and Fisher Street, a fixed charge of $300.00 in respect of land uses: - Category 2 (Commercial Shop), Category 3 (Commercial Office) and Category 4 (Commercial Other). 



Concessions & postponement

Rate concessions, rebates and postponements are available for eligible property owners.

Postponement in cases of hardship

Council has provisions in place for residents who are having difficulties paying their rates.
In accordance with Section 182 of the Local Government Act, a postponement of rates may be granted if Council is satisfied that the payment of these rates would cause hardship. Council may, on application and subject to the ratepayer substantiating the hardship, consider granting a postponement of payment of rates in respect of an assessment on the condition that the ratepayer agrees to pay interest in the amount affected by the postponement at the cash advance debenture rate calculated monthly and if the ratepayer satisfies the following criteria:

  • The property is the principal residence of the ratepayer and is the only property owned by the ratepayer, and
  • The property has been owned by the ratepayer and has been their principal residence for more than five years, and
  • The ratepayer is able to produce one of the following identification cards:
  • Pensioner Concession Card – Centrelink
  • Pensioner Concession Card – Veterans Affairs
  • TPI Card – Veterans Affairs, or
  • Can demonstrate to Council they are a self-funded retiree with a household income of less than $30 000 per year. All applications for postponement of rates will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and are not contingent on the level of increase in rates payable. All such enquiries and submissions will be treated confidentially.

Cost of Living Concession

The Cost of Living Concession (CLC) helps those on low or fixed incomes with their cost of living expenses. The CLC is payable per household, not per individual.


  • Eligibility is based on your living arrangements on 1 July. Eligibility for the CLC includes pensioners and low-income earners who are tenants.

    The CLC is means tested for self-funded retirees. Self-funded retirees earning more than $51,500 a single or $82,400 a couple will not be eligible.


    All concession payments are made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). You must provide your banking details to receive the concession.

    How to apply

    If you have previously received a Cost of Living Concession payment and your living and/or income arrangements have not changed, you do not need to reapply.

    Visit the SA Government website to update your details or apply for a concession online.

Rate Rebates

To apply for a rate rebate for the 2023-2024 financial year, please download and complete the application form below.

Rate rebate application form(PDF, 372KB)

Return your completed application for to us by;


Or by posting to:

Rate Rebates, the City of Unley, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061.

For further information, view the City of Unley Rate Rebate Policy. 


Recent changes to the Local Government Act 1999 provide the option for State Seniors Card holders to apply to postpone part of their Council rates on a long-term basis.

The deferred amount is subject to a monthly interest charge, with the accrued debt being payable on the disposal or sale of the property. However, the debt may be paid at any earlier time at the ratepayer's discretion.

A ratepayer who holds or is in the process of applying for a State Seniors Card may apply for postponement of a portion of the Council rates payable on property they own or are purchasing, providing it is their principal place of residence. It is also a requirement that no other person other than their spouse has an interest as owner of the property.

Please phone the Rates Department on (08) 8372 5111 to discuss your eligibility, the conditions and lodge your application form.

Postponement for Seniors Application Form(PDF, 145KB)

Postponement for Seniors Information Sheet(PDF, 135KB)

Property valuations

Council rates are calculated using individual property values which are determined by the State Government's Office of the Valuer-General.

To learn how your property to valued, visit the Office of the Valuer-General website. 

Objection to Valuation

If you are dissatisfied with the valuation made by the Valuer-General then you may object in writing, within 60 days of receiving the first annual rates notice, explaining the basis of your objection.

Please note:

  • If you have previously received a notice under the Local Government Act 1999 referring to the valuation and informing you of the 60-day objection period, the objection period is 60 days after service of the first such notice.

  • This 60 day objection period may be extended by the Valuer-General where it can be shown there is reasonable cause.

  • You may not object to the valuation if the Valuer-General has already considered an objection by you to that valuation.

  • Rates are still payable by the due date even if an objection has been lodged.

Written objections should be emailed to OVGObjections@sa.gov.au or mail to:

State Valuation Office
GPO Box 1354

Land Services SA can be contacted on 1300 653 346.

Objection to Land Use

Differential General Rates imposed by the Council are based on various Land Use Categories. These are determined at 1 July and therefore any change to the Land Use during the year will only be effective from the next rating year.

Should you have any reason to believe that the Land Use Category applied to your account is incorrect, you may lodge a written objection with Council outlining the grounds upon which your objection is based. Objections must be submitted to Council within 60 days of receiving this notice. Rates are still due and payable by the due date even if an objection has been lodged.

Written objections should be emailed to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au or mailed to the City of Unley, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061.

Objection to Land Use Information Sheet(PDF, 2MB)

Objection to Land Use Form(PDF, 199KB)

Regional Landscape Levy

The Regional Landscape (RL) levy (previously known as the NRM levy) is a state tax. Councils are required under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 to collect the levy on all rateable properties on behalf of the State Government. 

What the Levy is used for

The levy helps to fund the operations of the regional landscape boards who have responsibility for the management of the State’s landscapes. A key priority of the landscape boards will be developing strong partnerships to deliver practical on ground programs to address the land, water, pest animal and plant, and biodiversity priorities of their regional communities.

Non-payment of the Levy

Council is obliged by State legislation to collect the Levy on the behalf of the Board. Any unpaid Levy joins the normal collection process associated with annual Council rates. Fines will be charged on outstanding levies

Further information

For further information regarding this levy, or the work the levy supports, please visit the Green Adelaide Board or phone 8463 3733.

Property owner information

Residents are entitled to access the assessment book that contains information about property owners within the City of Unley. Public access to the assessment book is available via the computer located in the foyer of the Civic Centre at 181 Unley Road, Unley.

Assessment Book Extract

You are entitled to receive a printed extract from the assessment book for a fee of $3.30 per extract.

Please note:

  • Identification must be shown if the fee is paid over the counter.

  • The information does not include financial details of the property or the owner/s.

  • If details are suppressed from the assessment book, a letter will be sent to the owner of the property requested and, if there is no objection from the owner within 14 days, the details will be released to the applicant. Should the owner refuse permission to release their details no refund will be made.

Once the fee has been paid and a form completed, the following information can be provided to the applicant by email or post:

  • Owner's name

  • Owner's postal address (if different from the property address).

Information cannot be provided over the phone and the name of the applicant requesting information may be provided to the property owner/s.

How to Apply

You can apply for an Assessment Book Extract in person by:

In Person

Visit the Civic Centre at 181 Unley Road, Unley SA 5061. You can complete the Assessment Book Extract Application Form and pay the $3.30 fee associated with this request. 

 Email/Post or Fax the Application Form

  • Email to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au. You must also pay the $3.30 fee associated with this request by providing your credit card details in the specified section on the form (a receipt for this transaction will be posted out to you).

  • Fax to 8271 4886. You must also pay the $3.30 fee associated with this request by providing your credit card details in the specified section on the form (a receipt for this transaction will be posted out to you).

  • Mail to PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061. You must also either provide your credit card details in the specified section on the form or by sending a cheque for the $3.30 fee associated with this request.

Download the Assessment Book Extract application form(PDF, 131KB)

Fencing Extracts

Residents who require the name and address of the owners of the adjoining properties to their own will need to apply in writing. There is no fee associated with this request. The following information can be provided to the applicant by mail only:

  • Owners name and postal address (if different from the property address)

  • Lot number

  • Certificate of Title

  • Valuation number

  • Plan number.

Information cannot be provided over the phone and the name of the applicant requesting information may be provided to the property owner/s.

How to Apply

In person

Visit the Civic Centre at 181 Unley Road, Unley SA 5061 and complete the Fencing Extract Application Form. You must also provide identification that proves that you are the owner of the adjoining property (e.g. drivers licence, utility bill or bank statement).

By Email, Fax or Post

  • By email by downloading the form below and returning it to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au.

    • By fax by downloading the form below and returning it to 8271 4886.

    • By mail by downloading the form below and returning it to PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061.

Download the Application Form(PDF, 130KB)

Property Information online

For a fee (payable by credit card), Property Assist can provide you with individual property details, including:

  • Last sale price and date

  • Capital and site value

  • Section 7 Search

  • Zoning area.

A full title (Copy of the Certificate of Title) and a survey plan image are available through Planning and Property on the SA Government website.

When ownership of a property changes, the liability for payment of rates remains with the owner until Council receives a notice of acquisition. A land broker, qualified agent or solicitor, must notify us of change of ownership.

Notify change of property ownership