Fees & charges

Fees and charges are administered for a range of services and facilities. Some fees and charges are discretionary, where the Council is free to determine the charge, and some are statutory or by-law controlled.

We review discretionary fees and charges as part of our annual budget process.


The City of Unley Fees and Charges 2024-25(PDF, 2MB)

Many local government fees and charges set by State Government statute have been revised, with effect from 1 July 2024. 

View the local government fees and charges for 2024-25(PDF, 121KB)  set under various statutes.

All development applications incur fees for the assessment process to be undertaken. View fees and payments on the Plan SA website.


The City of Unley Fees and Charges 2023-24(PDF, 1MB)

Many local government fees and charges set by State Government statute have been revised, with effect from 1 July 2023. 

View a list of local government fees and charges for 2023-24(PDF, 156KB), set under various statutes.

All development applications incur fees for the assessment process to be undertaken. View fees and payments on the Plan SA website.