Delegations & Public Registers


Councils are required to undertake specific functions and duties, and can exercise certain powers, pursuant to the Local Government Act 1999 and a range of other Acts. In most cases the relevant Acts grant these obligations and powers directly to the Council.

As it is neither practical nor efficient for the Elected Member body to perform the many operational activities required by legislation or to meet community needs, Section 44 of the Local Government Act 1999 allows a Council to formally delegate many of its functions and powers to the Chief Executive Officer who may then sub-delegate the powers and functions to other responsible staff, or to a Committee of Council.

Full delegation list effective October 2024(PDF, 4MB)

Public Registers

The following information is available to the public in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999.

Community Land Ownership, Leases and Licences

The Local Government Act 1999 provides the legislative framework for the care, control and management of Council reserves and other public land within the City of Unley—also referred to as Community Land.

The Act requires councils to prepare Community Land Management Plans(PDF, 7MB) and to keep a register of all community land within its area.

Register of Community Land Ownership, Leases and Licences(PDF, 414KB)

Elected Member allowances and benefits register

In accordance with Section 79 of the Local Government Act 1999, all Elected Member allowances and benefits will be recorded in the register of allowances and benefits, which includes the annual allowance payable to the member, details of any expenses reimbursed by the council under section 77(1)(b) and details of other benefits paid or payable to, or provided for the benefit of, the member by the council.

Register of Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Quarter 1 24/25(PDF, 146KB)

Register of Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Quarter 4 23/24(PDF, 143KB)

Register of Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Quarter 3 23/24(PDF, 143KB)

Register of Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Quarter 2 23/24 
(PDF, 146KB)

Elected Member gifts and benefits register

Pursuant to Section 72A(4) of the Local Government Act 1999, Elected Members who are offered a gift or benefit of an amount greater than $50.00, must provide details of the gift or benefit to the CEO.

This register is required to be maintained and published on Council's Website. 

Elected Member Gifts and Benefits Register 2024-25(PDF, 78KB)

Elected Member Gifts and Benefits Register 2023-24(PDF, 84KB)

Elected Member register of interests

Under section 70(a1) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council must publish on the website, in accordance with the regulations, the latest Register of Interest received from each Elected Member. 

Please select an Elected Member's name from the below list to view their latest Register of Interest submission.

Register of dogs

The Register of Dogs is available to view on request at the Unley Customer Service Centre, 181 Unley Road, Unley.

Register of roads

You can view a copy of the register of roads below.

Register of roads(PDF, 40KB)

Register of staff salaries

The Register of Salaries is also available to view via printed copy for a fee at the Unley Civic Centre, 181 Unley Road, Unley.

The register will be updated monthly.

Register of staff salaries(PDF, 644KB)

Register of staff gifts & benefits

Pursuant to Section 119A(4) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Chief Executive Officer of a council must maintain a register of gifts and benefits received by employees of the council and must ensure that the details of each gift and benefit provided under this section are included in the register.

If an employee of a council receives a gift or benefit of an amount greater than the amount determined by the Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, then the gift or benefit must be entered onto the Gifts and Benefits Register.

The threshold amount governing when a gift or benefit must be registered has been gazetted at $50. The register will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Staff Gifts and Benefits Register 2024-2025(PDF, 69KB)

Staff Gifts and Benefits Register 2023-2024(PDF, 91KB)