Please note the changes to operating hours across our facilities during the festive season.
From pets to playgrounds to waste to signage, the City of Unley By-laws are established to ensure that Council can respond to issues within the local area and assist us in protecting the convenience, comfort and safety of our community.
Councils have the power to establish By-laws under the Local Government Act 1999.
By-laws must be reviewed every seven years to ensure they are relevant, meet the needs and expectations of our community, and are up to date with current legislative requirements.
A by-law to create a permit system for Council By-laws, to fix maximum and continuing penalties for offences, and to clarify the construction of Council By-laws.
Permits and penalties By-law No. 1 of 2022(PDF, 351KB)
A by-law for the management, control and regulation of activities on roads in the Council's area.
Roads By-law No. 2 of 2022(PDF, 335KB)
A by-law to manage and regulate the access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads), and certain public places.
Local Government Land By-law No. 3 of 2022(PDF, 389KB)
A by-law to set standards for moveable signs on roads and to provide conditions for the placement of such signs for the purpose of protecting visual amenity and public safety.
Moveable Signs By-law No. 4 of 2022(PDF, 268KB)
A by-law to limit the number of dogs kept on premises and for the management and control of dogs in the Council's area.
Dogs By-law No. 5 of 2022(PDF, 270KB)