Emergency management

Emergency events can occur at any time with little warning and cause diverse and widespread impacts across affected communities. The City of Unley works to minimise these threats and contribute to the safety and wellbeing of our community by participating in local emergency management alongside our neighbouring councils.

If you have a life-threatening or urgent situation dial Triple Zero (000) and ask for ambulance, fire or police depending on the type of emergency.

The below information will help you;

  • Understand the Council's role in emergency management
  • Know who to contact in specific emergencies
  • Prepare for emergencies at an individual level  
  • Find help and support in the recovery phase of an emergency. 

The role of Council

Councils play a fundamental role in emergency management due to strong relationships with the local community and knowledge of locally available resources.


Types of emergencies


For emergency assistance during a flood event phone the State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500.

To prepare for a flood, visit the SA SES website for information.

For warnings and alerts, visit the Alert SA website.


Extreme storm
Human disease
Other emergencies


Emergency contacts

Police, Fire & Ambulance

Stay focused, stay relevant, stay on the line.

  • Is someone seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help?
  • Is your life or property being threatened?
  • Have you just witnessed a serious accident or crime?

If you answered YES call Triple Zero (000). Triple Zero calls are free.

  • Do you want Police, Fire or Ambulance?
  • Stay calm, don't shout, speak slowly and clearly.
  • Tell them exactly where to go.
  • Give an address or location.

Police Attendance

For non-urgent Police assistance, phone 131 444.

To report a crime, visit the Crimestoppers website or phone 1800 333 000.

Text Emergency Call

If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment call 106.
This is a Text Emergency Call, not SMS. You can call from teletypewriters.

State Emergency Service
Metropolitan Fire
Country Fire Service
Alert SA


Get prepared

Being prepared for an emergency, including being ready to go, can help you save precious time, especially if you have to leave your home in a hurry.  For information on how to prepare for all types of emergencies, visit the State Government website.

Recovery after an emergency

For general information about disaster recovery, including what services may be offered and how they are provided, visit the South Australian Government Disaster Recovery website.


'We Do' is an initiative of Volunteering SA&NT and the Government of South Australia. Create a profile to be notified of opportunities matched to skills and interests. Search hundreds of volunteer positions in South Australia, express interest and apply directly with organisations. Log and print a record of your volunteer hours.

Useful resources relating to emergencies