Memorials & Plaques

Soutar Park open area with shady trees playground and pathway

At the City of Unley, we recognise the interest in commemorating a historical event or person of significance who has contributed to the local community.

To be considered for approval, a memorial should commemorate:

  • an individual or incorporated body who has made a significant contribution over many years to the cultural, political, sporting or social life of the local community; or
  • a site of a historical event of local, state, or national significance; or
  • a resident or regular visitor to the City who had an affinity with a particular location such as a park for many years; or
  • an event or activity of significance to the community.

Types of memorial

The placement of memorial plaques on furniture may be allowed on community land or other land under Council’s management.  Only one plaque is permitted per bench unless the request for an additional plaque is made by the original commissioning family or organisation.

Furniture plaques are to be the standard size and design in use by Council at the time of application.

If appropriate, a plaque may also be placed adjacent to a tree on community land or a road verge.

Application and approval

Council approval must be sought and obtained before the erection of a permanent memorial or monument on Council property or community land.

Administration will manage the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of a memorial plaque.

Costs and maintenance

The cost of memorials, park furniture, trees, any plaque attached, and installation will be paid by the applicant.

Council will maintain memorial furniture or other plaques as part of its routine asset management plan.  However, the replacement of a plaque that has been damaged or lost is at the applicant’s cost.

As of January 2024, a plaque and installation cost is between $400 and $600. 


We estimate the lifespan of a memorial plaque on park furniture at 15 years.

If the condition of the plaque and affixing structure is beyond repair after that period, Council will endeavour to contact the applicant with options. For example, if the condition of the plaque is suitable for reuse, then the applicant may wish to purchase a new bench or keep the plaque. 

Unclaimed plaques will be held by Council for three years from the time of decommissioning and then destroyed.

Memorial or commemorative trees & plantings

Assessing an application for a memorial or commemorative tree considers:

  • if the request complies with an existing master plan or planting design for the park or streetscape, and
  • the number of existing trees, plaques, and memorials in the vicinity.

If approved, Council will source the tree or plantings to ensure a suitable nursery standard and will be included in Council’s parks and tree maintenance program.

A plaque may be installed at the base of the tree or on the pavement adjacent to the tree.


For full details, please read our Memorials Policy(PDF, 182KB). The Policy provides further guidance on the approval, placement, maintenance, and removal of memorials.

Apply for a memorial plaque