We want to hear from people living with disability about their experiences, concerns, and ideas for improving access and inclusion in the City of Unley area.
You are invited to contribute by:
- Expressing your interest in becoming a part of the Access and Inclusion Reference Group.
- Requesting to present an issue or idea to Council.
Contacting Peter McGinn, Team Leader Community & Cultural Development.
Access and Inclusion Reference Group
An Access and Inclusion Reference Group is being established to provide feedback around access and inclusion on City of Unley projects. All feedback goes to our project teams so that the projects we deliver consider the diverse needs of our community.
Council is calling for expressions of interest from members of the community who can represent one or more of the following areas on the Access and Inclusion Reference group:
- People with a disability
- Parents and carers of children with a disability
- Disability support providers who work with City of Unley residents who have a disability.
We may ask for you to engage with us via surveys or face-to-face meetings and can offer different alternatives based on your preferences.
Our Expression of Interest form will stay open all the time.
Express your interest here
How to speak to Council or a Council Committee
Community members with disability are welcome to request to address Council about a community issue or idea. This is called a deputation request.
Deputations provide individuals or groups in the community with an opportunity to present an issue to Elected Members at a Council meeting. Deputations are an important part of community participation in the decision-making process. The topic must be relevant to the responsibility of Council.
If you wish to make a deputation at a Council meeting, you need to complete and return a deputation request form.
To request support to fill in the form or attend a Council meeting, please contact Peter McGinn via the details provided.
Contact Us
For more information or assistance, please contact:
Peter McGinn
Team Leader Community & Cultural Development
Phone: 8372 5111
Email: pmcginn@unley.sa.gov.au