Council offers a range of parking permits to help residents, businesses and their visitors access on-street parking.
The number and type of parking permits you can apply for will vary depending on whether you are a resident or business, what type of dwelling you live in and/or how many vehicles you own.
Residents in the City of Unley may be eligible for the following parking permits:
- Resident Parking Permits:
- Time-Limit Exemption Permits - allowing resident vehicles to exceed time-limits of 1 hour or greater, where a time-limit parking control is installed in front or opposite their property, provided the property is not on a main arterial road.
- Resident Only Parking Permits - available to residents without off-street parking and who have access to an existing permit(s), enabling their specified vehicle(s) to park in a designated permit zone(s) and/or exceed time limits in the areas covered by permits. All 24/7 permit zone(s) will progressively be phased out and no new zone(s) and/or permit(s) will be issued.
- Temporary Parking Permits - available to exempt eligible holders from time-limit parking controls (1 hour or greater) for brief periods (up to 3 months). These are generally issued to tradespeople engaged in house repairs or renovations and to family members or friends house-sitting or caring for someone who is ill.
- Temporary Caravan / Trailer Exemption Permit - available to exempt designated vehicles from time-limit parking controls (1 hour or greater) for up to 5 days. This allows residents or their visitors to park a caravan, trailer or boat on a residential street for more than 1 hour, providing an exemption to Australian Road Rule 200 (2 and 2a).
Businesses in the City of Unley may be eligible for the following parking permit:
- Business Parking Permit - available to businesses registered and operating in the City of Unley, allowing holders to exceed time-limit parking controls (2 hours or greater), where time-limit parking controls are installed.