Parking fines & payments

Why have I received a parking expiation notice?

Parking restrictions exist to improve traffic flow and to ensure the safe and fair use of the roads within the City of Unley for the benefit of everyone. Parking restrictions are in line with the Australian Road Rules and are displayed on signage covering an area or space.

It is the responsibility of the driver to read the parking signs each time they park in an area and before leaving their vehicle.

Your parking expiation notice (also known as a parking fine) will display the alleged offence which you have been issued the notice for.

Parking and the Australian Road Rules


Private Parking Areas

Council may provide services in relation to policing of the Private Parking Areas Act 1986 (the Act) in private car parks within the City. Parking infringements can be issued on private property if the owners and Council have made an agreement for Council enforcement of the provisions of Part 3 of the Act in relation to that private parking area. For example, shopping centre car parks.

These car parks all display the appropriate signage.

Permit related offences

Parking in a disabled persons parking area (without displaying a permit)

Only vehicles bearing a valid Disabled Parking Permit from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) are permitted to park in a disabled parking zone.

The permit entitles the driver to park for the maximum time as indicated on the signs. No extensions of time are permitted.

In time limit zones, Disabled Parking Permit holders may park for an additional 90 minutes.

Parking in a permit area (without displaying a permit)

Only vehicles bearing a current, valid permit are permitted in this permit zones. The permit must be displayed or the vehicle will be reported.

Disabled Permits do not apply and are not valid for use in permit zones other than those marked as Disabled Permit Zones.

Parking in a specified zone or area

Loading zones

Loading zones are only available for the pickup or set down of goods or items, which are too large or heavy to carry conveniently.
If you have a commercial vehicle you may use a loading zone for a maximum of 30 minutes as long as you are loading or unloading. A 'commercial vehicle' means a motor vehicle constructed solely or mainly for the carriage of goods (including a vehicle of the kind commonly called a utility, but excluding a vehicle of the kind commonly called a station wagon or station sedan).
All other vehicles (this includes station wagons and hatchbacks) may only use a Loading Zone for a maximum of 10 minutes if goods, which due to their weight or size are difficult to handle, are being picked up or set down.

No stopping zone

A total prohibition on parking applies in no stopping zones as these restrictions are imposed for road and pedestrian safety reasons and to maintain access. You are not permitted to stop or park in these zones at any time, regardless of the reason.

Parking in a restricted parking area

 A vehicle must not be parked in a restricted area unless the vehicle is of the class for which the restricted area is established. (Motorcycle only, taxi zone, emergency vehicles only etc.)

Exceeding the specified time limit

The time limit is the maximum time that a vehicle may park in that zone before being driven completely out of and away from the area.

Signs indicating the maximum time limit (unless otherwise indicated) in shopping centres are erected at all entrances to the private parking area from main roads. They are large white signs with black writing and advise drivers that the area is subject to the provisions of the Private Parking Areas Act 1986.


How is the parking expiation issued?

A parking expiation can be physically handed to the driver, secured on the blade of the vehicle windscreen wiper, or it can be sent by mail to the registered address of the vehicle.

Parking expiation fees are not set by Council; fee increases are gazetted following the State Budget and take effect from the 1st of July each year.

What are my options?

If you have received a parking expiation don't delay in making a decision, as additional fees can be applied for late payment.

Pay a parking fine

Review a parking fine