Parking fine disputes

View your parking fine

If you have received a parking fine (also known as a parking expiation notice), you can view the details including photos of your vehicle, to help you choose what action to take to resolve your fine. 

You will need to provide the expiation notice number and vehicle registration number in order to view the details. 

Don't have your expiation number? You can contact Council to confirm your expiation number by phoning 8372 5111. Please note we cannot take a request for review over the phone.

View the Expiation Photos

Expiation payment methods are listed below:



Step 1.Be ready

Have your expiation notice and vehicle registration number ready.

Step 2.Visit the online payment portal

Visit the online payments portal below and select "expiations"

Online Payment Portal



Step 1.Be ready

Have your expiation notice and vehicle registration number ready.

Step 2.Phone us

Phone us on 8372 5111 - available from Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm

Step 3.Payment methods

Acceptable credit cards: Visa and Mastercard

In Person

In person 

Step 1.Visit the Civic Centre 

Visit the Civic Centre and present your expiation notice to the cashier at the Council offices, 181 Unley Road, Unley. 

Step 2.Payment methods

Payment is acceptable by EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, cash, cheque or money order. 


Request a Review 

To request a review you will need;

  • Expiation notice number and vehicle registration

  • Your Driver's Licence number

  • You will be asked to provide us with evidence to support your appeal for your expiation. Some items you may require are:

  • Evidence from the Police Officer at the time of the offence.

  • Evidence from the Ambulance Service or Registrar of the relevant Hospital Emergency Administration Department.

  • Evidence from Roadside Assistance or attending Mechanic or Towing Company confirming date/time of attendance at the location of your vehicle.

We may also request that you provide a Statutory Declaration supporting the above documentation.

Statutory Declaration Form - Additional evidence requested(PDF, 80KB)

Nominate another driver or owner 

You will need to submit a Nomination to the City of Unley if you were not the driver at the time of the offence(s) or if you sold the vehicle and transferred ownership before the offence. The Nomination must provide the full name and address details of the driver/new owner.  Incomplete Nominations cannot be accepted.

Do not pay the expiation, as the notice will be re-issued into the nominated driver or owner's name once we have received the Nomination. 

Nomination - Nominate a new owner or driver(PDF, 159KB)

Step 1.Reasons for review

The Expiation of Offences Act 1996 and Australian Road Rules include provisions that allow an expiation notice to be withdrawn if certain circumstances exist or the offence could be considered trifling (for the special meaning of trifling see Section 4(2) of the Expiation of Offences Act 1996). 

Step 2.Lodge your review 

You must view the expiation photos before proceeding to submit a review. Please have all your supporting documentation ready to attach to the online form.

View Expiation Photos

Don't have your expiation number? You can talk to our Contact Centre staff to confirm your expiation number by phoning 8372 5111. Please note we cannot take a request for review over the phone.

Step 3.What happens next

Once you have submitted your review the expiation will be placed on hold pending the outcome of your review.  You may be requested to provide additional supporting information during this time. We will endeavor to have a response to you within 10 working days. 


Payment Arrangements

Pay in instalments 

If you cannot pay the total expiation fee in one amount, you may be able to enter into a payment arrangement through the State Government's Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit or by calling 1800 659 538.