Council can restrict parking on one side of a narrow street in certain situations. The Australian Road Rules state that a 3m space must be between two vehicles parked opposite each other, as shown in the pictures below.

This means that two vehicles cannot legally park opposite each other on any street that is narrow (between 5m and 7m wide). If the street is less then 5m, then on-street parking is not allowed. Fines may be given to vehicles that park too close to another vehicle.
Council has developed a stepped approach to manage parking on narrow streets, which are common within the City of Unley, outlined below:
1. Educate – Install signs along the street to emphasise its narrowness and discourage parking opposite other vehicles (example sign below). Provide residents with Australian Road Rules educational materials and proper parking practices for narrow streets.
2. Enforce – Increase proactive and regular enforcement of non-compliant narrow street parking.
3. Restrict – If education and enforcement is not effective, seek input from local residents on potential parking restrictions, prioritising minimal loss of on-street parking capacity.
If most residents support the restrictions, they will be implemented. If there is insufficient support, parking restrictions may still be enforced on waste collection days to ensure safe access for waste trucks and bin collection.
Council will not introduce parking restrictions on streets wider than 7m to solely enhance traffic flow.