Apply for a change to parking restrictions in your street

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On-street parking in the City of Unley is a limited public resource, often with competing needs from residents, businesses, shoppers, tradespeople, commuters and visitors.

To address parking challenges, City of Unley residents and businesses can request new parking restrictions, or request to modify existing parking restrictions on their street.

Guided by the Unley Parking Management Plan 2022-2023(PDF, 6MB) and its parking management direction Parking congestion (pages 21-23), the three step application process (outlined below) to install or change existing parking restrictions aims to balance current and future parking needs in a fair and transparent manner that considers community-wide needs.

Step 1: Request

To request a change to parking restrictions on your street, you will need to complete a Parking Change Request Form and include the following:

  • a description of the parking issue

  • the proposed changes you would like Council to investigate, and

  • the names and addresses of owners/occupiers from four different properties on the street or street section who support your parking proposal.

Please note, you may only apply for changes on a street where you live, or where your business occupies.

Council will consider a minimum street length of 300 metres for all requests. Exceptions will only be considered for user-based parking restriction requests (for example a loading zone, motorcycle parking, accessibility parking etc.).

Complete a Parking Change Request Form

If you prefer, you can download a copy of the Parking Change Request Form(PDF, 609KB) . Once completed, please return it to Council via email at, or in person, at 181 Unley Road, Unley.

Step 2: Analysis and Options

Upon receiving a completed Parking Change Request Form, Council will conduct up to ten parking occupancy surveys during peak demand times (typically between 9am and 5pm) over a two to three-week period.

The request will proceed if the street is deemed to be congested (i.e. average observed parking occupancy along the street or street section exceeds 80%). 

Council will review the parking request further and work with the applicant to develop options to achieve a desired parking occupancy level (65-85%) along the street or street section.

Step 3: Consultation

To determine local community support, Council will notify every rateable property on the street about the parking proposal and request their feedback. Only one response from each property will be accepted for consideration.

The proposed parking changes will only proceed to installation when: 

  • at least a 33% response rate to the consultation survey is received; and

  • at least 66% of responses are supportive of the parking proposal.