Create and Craft - Starting School Book recommendation and a craft to help prepare your little one for starting school
Christmas in the Libraries 2024 Christmas opening hours, book recommendations, craft and recipes for the festive season.
Jacinta's desk 2024 Jacinta is a member of our Youth and Children's Team. Jacinta has a special passion for our teen collections and knows all the good stuff. Here she will be sharing some of her favourites.
Gordy's desk 2024 Gordy is a member of our Collections team. Consequently, her desk sees lots of interesting items pass across it. Here are some of her recommendations of books and DVDs from 2024.
Most Borrowed Teen Reads 2024 Reading recommendations of the most borrowed teen fiction and graphic novels.
Connect and play Explore a range of developmentally appropriate play experiences to help you connect with your child.
Christmas reading and films Some laid back festive reading with some videos to share some good times.
Create and Craft - Christmas So many Christmas recommendations and crafts - join us for some festive fun!